Saturday 16 January 2016

Giveaway at Our Life Is Beautiful!

Our Life Is Beautiful is having an international giveaway for a Samantha doll! Check it out now :)
Samantha and Truly Me 25 look very similar, but I love the way they both look!

Sunday 11 October 2015

A new blog!

I've just started a new blog! Yippee! 
Seriously though, this is going to be an amazing blog jam-packed with awesome pictures and general rambling. Oh, and the occasional serious post, of course. We all need seriousness in our lives. Because otherwise everyone would be all jumpy and excited and the world would be insecure and everyone would drive around roundabouts 18238745287 times because YOLO. 

But you do need some fun in life as well. Which is why I've made this blog so that I can show off all my attempts at sewing doll clothes, photography and other stuff.  We might even do a blog-exclusive contest!

So whenever you feel lonely, or stressed, or nervous, or bored, or just like driving around a roundabout 18238745287 times, just hop over to the blog :) 
